One madman to another

Whats wrong with my mind?

I know im ok.

Dont look at me that way.

Dont call me crazy.

Why am i the outkast?

Have i done something wrong?

Give me some time i'll be fine.

Why are u afraid of me?

I won't bite. Or will I?

Like my hair?

I know it needs to be done up a bit.

Does it make me look scary?

Like my smile ?

Does it haunt your mind?

I am in ur dreams.

I am everywhere u go.

I am a part of u.

I am within u.

U know it.

Ur afraid of me but the truth is u r afraid of urself.

Lets just go outside

for a stroll

Scare the normal folks awhile.

Lets amuse them with antics

Lets shock them and make them hate us.

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