Just read this article : Hacktivists strike Westboro Baptist Church over Newtown tragedy
It's really sad that members of a "church" would go all out hating their own fellow men, and actually misrepresenting God. God's will has been a very convenient excuse for a long time now, and have been used often for personal vendettas or evil gain, and it's about time it stopped. Westboro reminds me of the Taliban, encouraging attacks on innocents, all in the name of God. It makes one question the reason for the existence of religion, especially the type of fundamentalist ideas that all religions still sell. Loved the method ised by the Anonymous group, but i also had a thought that anonymity is a dangerous thing to hide behind, because anyone else could use that same mask to do things you or your group doesn't endorse. It could very easily be a bunch of hackers who misrepresent and misuse Anonymous and it's ideals, leading to bigger trolls in the real world. But, that's just me babbling. Masks are necessary sometimes and we use them for safety, but the time will come when we will have to take off our masks and stand up for what we believe in. And I hope that we all stand together not for violence, but to work for a better world, a world free of opression and inequality. A world built on Love and by Love.
Religion was made for Man and not Man for Religion.
Religions like civilizations will rise and fall. For they are indeed just ideologies. Of human beings trying to make some sense of all the chaos, that is life. In fact, if you ask me which is the religion that is most widely practiced, I would say it is Consumerism. It is in fact, a church that has the largest temples in the world. ( I hate malls. Malls suck). And it is rapidly growing. Now you might think that I am being stupid and that business is an honest way to make a living, and it is a necessary step forward in our evolution. I won't argue with you, because your brain will eventually tell you it's not true (if you let it).The only evolution we've seen is that of corporations, religious and political systems, turning into giant dinosaurs out to feed on any resources they can find, all for the sake of "profit", which disappears faster than it comes. These dinosaurs are headed towards self destruction and i'm afraid they will take us all with them. You know the world's messed up when religions start acting like corporations, functioning only for profit and numbers and corporations start acting like religions, hiding crucial information from stakeholders, misrepresenting information, building cults based on twisted and harmful truths, again for selfish short term profit. These are the unholy offspring of the corruption that has entered our idealised system. The malaise of self gratification, without regard for our fellow humans, animal and plant life, with whom we share this earth. These monsters that we have created, have to be tamed by us. And i am positive that some of the 'people' left at the top have some heart to make wiser decisions.
But, it is a fact that we humans cannot live without being in groups. We have an innate need to belong. We all need a community, friends, a social support system. When it is not in place, we don't grow as humans. We literally die, slowly, alone and minute by minute. Some might say, "Hey I'm doin okay. I never had any problems being alone". Yeah, I used to think it too and I often denied that fact, but as a number of us have or will find out, life's always more fun with your crew. To help us better live out our lives on this planet, and to grow with the planet and together as humans, we need each other, period.
Now to be a part of the group you have to at some level, share some common ideologies or cause. I know, I wish i could say that's not true and that we can all get along despite our differences (which is what I am getting at), but another blessing in disguise is our ability to agree and disagree. To argue and debate. To reason. It can be a blessing when the underlying ideology is hate or selfish short term gain, but it can mean true victory and progress for everyone when the underlying ideology is love, unselfish and universal. Now you might say that universal unselfish love is a fairy tale and that it is impossible to survive on earth with that kind of impractical thinking. I challenge you to think otherwise. It may seem like insanity to our rational mind, which sees the limitations, the problems, the hurdles. Our rational mind is a skeptic and a critic.Our safety valve. It may seem like an unnecessary restraint, keeping us back from getting the things that will make us happy, but we are really thankful it is there when it keeps us from repeating old mistakes or going completely overboard and killing ourselves. It is the practical part of our brain which gets things done.... But it can be unimaginative at times and so God also inspired the irrational inside all of us, the imaginative, creative, free spirited being. Kind of like yin and yang or like partners who both back each other up, based on their individual strengths in the face of different situations. Men and Women were designed in such a way so that we took care of each other and all life on our planet. We need to belong. When we say we are antisocial, we are unwittingly joining another group. We have to choose an ideology to live. And i say there is nothing wrong with joining a group, a community, a 'herd' as some say. It is inevitable. Now the most difficult revolution that we have to fight is the one against ourselves.
The truth is simple. We cannot and should not do away with churches, corporations or political sytems. They are in fact our own creations. We being made in God's image have gone ahead with the urge to play creator and have made these institutions, in our own image, with our finite understanding. Like children in a kindergarten, learning to write or draw or play music, we are still making mistakes and creating a lot of noise and chaos. We are bullying each other and trying to fight against each other, fighting over toys and over whose creation is better. It's all good but as we are growing up, we have started to see that when we work together and play together is when we have most fun. It's when we can decorate our classroom better and perfect our own works of art and grow as human beings.
Our systems of control and groups are all like tables we sit at in this classroom called the world, for creating some order and for helping us find some sense of community and belonging. They are like an outline in which we can play or colour in. Use any colours you like, but a complete picture comes only when you colour within the lines. As we grow older we start to learn to share our resources, listen to others opinions and work as one.
Controlled entropy must be encouraged. Not chaos in terms of violence or as a show of strength but chaos in terms of ideas and opinions. In terms of crazy innovations. In terms of shameless copying and sharing of good ideas and models. Chaos in terms of increasing love, kindness, creativity and humanity in a system missing all of these. Chaos in terms of giving a soul to this puppet of a world we have created. Learning from old mistakes, making new ones and learning from them.We should also be open to the idea of doing the same things but differently this time. We all love our creations but we must make sure they do not run out of control and they can be developed, slowly and surely into perfect creatures like the magical creations we see around us. Some plans may even have to be erased and redrawn, but we must remember that we only have the right to destroy our own creations, i.e. inanimate objects. We have no right to destroy life we did not create or still understand very little about.
We have fundamentalists on all sides and it can be hard to have an open mind. But complete evolution is only possible with a balanced use of our rational and irrational faculties. All our technological advances and achievements will turn to naught if our emotional side does not develop alongside it. Let us all agree that we will first and foremost respect life on earthand it's right to exist alongside us, and that we will build our future, on the foundation of universal love and brotherhood. We will avoid violence, but instead using the means of love, peace and healthy debate and dialogue.
We need both the left and the right, to work in harmony, to be able to dance into the future.
"A good and just society is one which reconciles the TRUTHS of individualism and collectivism"- Martin Luther King Jr.
Universal Love
1 Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I have become sounding brass or a clanging cymbal.
2 And though I have the gift of prophecy, and understand all mysteries and all knowledge, and though I have all faith, so that I could remove mountains, but have not love, I am nothing.
3 And though I bestow all my goods to feed the poor, and though I give my body to be burned, but have not love, it profits me nothing.
4 Love suffers long and is kind; love does not envy; love does not parade itself, is not puffed up;
5 does not behave rudely, does not seek its own, is not provoked, thinks no evil;
6 does not rejoice in iniquity, but rejoices in the truth;
7 bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.
8 Love never fails. But whether there are prophecies, they will fail; whether there are tongues, they will cease; whether there is knowledge, it will vanish away.
9 For we know in part and we prophesy in part.
10 But when that which is perfect has come, then that which is in part will be done away.
11 When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child; but when I became a man, I put away childish things.
12 For now we see in a mirror, dimly, but then face to face. Now we know in part, but then we shall know just as we also are known.
13 And now abide faith, hope, love, these three; but the greatest of these is love.
It's really sad that members of a "church" would go all out hating their own fellow men, and actually misrepresenting God. God's will has been a very convenient excuse for a long time now, and have been used often for personal vendettas or evil gain, and it's about time it stopped. Westboro reminds me of the Taliban, encouraging attacks on innocents, all in the name of God. It makes one question the reason for the existence of religion, especially the type of fundamentalist ideas that all religions still sell. Loved the method ised by the Anonymous group, but i also had a thought that anonymity is a dangerous thing to hide behind, because anyone else could use that same mask to do things you or your group doesn't endorse. It could very easily be a bunch of hackers who misrepresent and misuse Anonymous and it's ideals, leading to bigger trolls in the real world. But, that's just me babbling. Masks are necessary sometimes and we use them for safety, but the time will come when we will have to take off our masks and stand up for what we believe in. And I hope that we all stand together not for violence, but to work for a better world, a world free of opression and inequality. A world built on Love and by Love.
Religion was made for Man and not Man for Religion.
Religions like civilizations will rise and fall. For they are indeed just ideologies. Of human beings trying to make some sense of all the chaos, that is life. In fact, if you ask me which is the religion that is most widely practiced, I would say it is Consumerism. It is in fact, a church that has the largest temples in the world. ( I hate malls. Malls suck). And it is rapidly growing. Now you might think that I am being stupid and that business is an honest way to make a living, and it is a necessary step forward in our evolution. I won't argue with you, because your brain will eventually tell you it's not true (if you let it).The only evolution we've seen is that of corporations, religious and political systems, turning into giant dinosaurs out to feed on any resources they can find, all for the sake of "profit", which disappears faster than it comes. These dinosaurs are headed towards self destruction and i'm afraid they will take us all with them. You know the world's messed up when religions start acting like corporations, functioning only for profit and numbers and corporations start acting like religions, hiding crucial information from stakeholders, misrepresenting information, building cults based on twisted and harmful truths, again for selfish short term profit. These are the unholy offspring of the corruption that has entered our idealised system. The malaise of self gratification, without regard for our fellow humans, animal and plant life, with whom we share this earth. These monsters that we have created, have to be tamed by us. And i am positive that some of the 'people' left at the top have some heart to make wiser decisions.
But, it is a fact that we humans cannot live without being in groups. We have an innate need to belong. We all need a community, friends, a social support system. When it is not in place, we don't grow as humans. We literally die, slowly, alone and minute by minute. Some might say, "Hey I'm doin okay. I never had any problems being alone". Yeah, I used to think it too and I often denied that fact, but as a number of us have or will find out, life's always more fun with your crew. To help us better live out our lives on this planet, and to grow with the planet and together as humans, we need each other, period.
Now to be a part of the group you have to at some level, share some common ideologies or cause. I know, I wish i could say that's not true and that we can all get along despite our differences (which is what I am getting at), but another blessing in disguise is our ability to agree and disagree. To argue and debate. To reason. It can be a blessing when the underlying ideology is hate or selfish short term gain, but it can mean true victory and progress for everyone when the underlying ideology is love, unselfish and universal. Now you might say that universal unselfish love is a fairy tale and that it is impossible to survive on earth with that kind of impractical thinking. I challenge you to think otherwise. It may seem like insanity to our rational mind, which sees the limitations, the problems, the hurdles. Our rational mind is a skeptic and a critic.Our safety valve. It may seem like an unnecessary restraint, keeping us back from getting the things that will make us happy, but we are really thankful it is there when it keeps us from repeating old mistakes or going completely overboard and killing ourselves. It is the practical part of our brain which gets things done.... But it can be unimaginative at times and so God also inspired the irrational inside all of us, the imaginative, creative, free spirited being. Kind of like yin and yang or like partners who both back each other up, based on their individual strengths in the face of different situations. Men and Women were designed in such a way so that we took care of each other and all life on our planet. We need to belong. When we say we are antisocial, we are unwittingly joining another group. We have to choose an ideology to live. And i say there is nothing wrong with joining a group, a community, a 'herd' as some say. It is inevitable. Now the most difficult revolution that we have to fight is the one against ourselves.
The truth is simple. We cannot and should not do away with churches, corporations or political sytems. They are in fact our own creations. We being made in God's image have gone ahead with the urge to play creator and have made these institutions, in our own image, with our finite understanding. Like children in a kindergarten, learning to write or draw or play music, we are still making mistakes and creating a lot of noise and chaos. We are bullying each other and trying to fight against each other, fighting over toys and over whose creation is better. It's all good but as we are growing up, we have started to see that when we work together and play together is when we have most fun. It's when we can decorate our classroom better and perfect our own works of art and grow as human beings.
Our systems of control and groups are all like tables we sit at in this classroom called the world, for creating some order and for helping us find some sense of community and belonging. They are like an outline in which we can play or colour in. Use any colours you like, but a complete picture comes only when you colour within the lines. As we grow older we start to learn to share our resources, listen to others opinions and work as one.
Controlled entropy must be encouraged. Not chaos in terms of violence or as a show of strength but chaos in terms of ideas and opinions. In terms of crazy innovations. In terms of shameless copying and sharing of good ideas and models. Chaos in terms of increasing love, kindness, creativity and humanity in a system missing all of these. Chaos in terms of giving a soul to this puppet of a world we have created. Learning from old mistakes, making new ones and learning from them.We should also be open to the idea of doing the same things but differently this time. We all love our creations but we must make sure they do not run out of control and they can be developed, slowly and surely into perfect creatures like the magical creations we see around us. Some plans may even have to be erased and redrawn, but we must remember that we only have the right to destroy our own creations, i.e. inanimate objects. We have no right to destroy life we did not create or still understand very little about.
We have fundamentalists on all sides and it can be hard to have an open mind. But complete evolution is only possible with a balanced use of our rational and irrational faculties. All our technological advances and achievements will turn to naught if our emotional side does not develop alongside it. Let us all agree that we will first and foremost respect life on earthand it's right to exist alongside us, and that we will build our future, on the foundation of universal love and brotherhood. We will avoid violence, but instead using the means of love, peace and healthy debate and dialogue.
We need both the left and the right, to work in harmony, to be able to dance into the future.
"A good and just society is one which reconciles the TRUTHS of individualism and collectivism"- Martin Luther King Jr.
Universal Love
1 Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I have become sounding brass or a clanging cymbal.
2 And though I have the gift of prophecy, and understand all mysteries and all knowledge, and though I have all faith, so that I could remove mountains, but have not love, I am nothing.
3 And though I bestow all my goods to feed the poor, and though I give my body to be burned, but have not love, it profits me nothing.
4 Love suffers long and is kind; love does not envy; love does not parade itself, is not puffed up;
5 does not behave rudely, does not seek its own, is not provoked, thinks no evil;
6 does not rejoice in iniquity, but rejoices in the truth;
7 bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.
8 Love never fails. But whether there are prophecies, they will fail; whether there are tongues, they will cease; whether there is knowledge, it will vanish away.
9 For we know in part and we prophesy in part.
10 But when that which is perfect has come, then that which is in part will be done away.
11 When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child; but when I became a man, I put away childish things.
12 For now we see in a mirror, dimly, but then face to face. Now we know in part, but then we shall know just as we also are known.
13 And now abide faith, hope, love, these three; but the greatest of these is love.
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