Today, I went to visit my brother's grave at the graveyard. He was an exuberant young man when he died. When a light as bright as that is snuffed out, so suddenly, all you see is darkness. And when you start getting used to life again, you will never look at it the same again. The whole world to you seems different. When you lose someone you love, that too someone so alive, you get acquainted with death. Death, who promises to return again, out of the blue, with or without warning.

      At the grave we constructed a granite memorial, onto which we attached some printed tiles, with our favourite photos of my brother on them. Around the granite memorial, we've planted some flowering plants. We made the memorial last year and already all but one of the photographs, have faded. The granite is as it is, cold, silent, and covered in dust. But the flowering plants are all growing, with buds and flowers growing on them (all thanks to daily attention by the gardener, Sahebrao). Some of the flowers lie fallen nearby, bloomed to full, but now separated from the plant, lying on the ground.

We made the memorial with best intentions and used granite, to ensure it lasts for a long time. The photographs we hoped would last longer than they did. We were promised by the printer that they would. We were stupid to believe him.The granite will last a while but it will always stay that way, cold, silent and collecting dust. The flowers on the other hand, although fragile and requiring constant attention, will grow and continue to give flowers, as time passes by. The flowers, although around for a short time, will give out fragrance so sweet and will bloom in such glory, that they will add cheer to even a dusty graveyard. And when they fall and die, will fertilize the ground around the plant to ensure it lives on.

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