I know nothing.

The War in My Head

There's a war in my head,
It's me against myself,
The so called battle of Yin vs.Yang,
I keep fighting trying to better understand,
Which of these halves I am?

There's a war in my head,
What's right and what's wrong?
Who have I been all along?
Which side am I fighting on?
But I know there's a war,
And I've been fighting,
And I'm so tired now.

There's a war in my head,
It's me trying to outsmart myself,
I'm in constant motion, pushing and pulling,
Sometimes closer together,
Mostly in opposite directions,
I've been torn so far,
I feel like I've stretched enough to look upon myself,
Like I'm a part of me, yet so separate,
Infinite, yet so small and helpless.

There's a war in my head,
While I'm fighting to stay alive,
I'm only gradually killing myself,
While I use my intellect to better my future,
I sabotage it myself, just like i did in the past.
Whenever I gather courage to move forward,
My own fears and doubts pull me back,
My eyes need to be wide open,
And yet I have to be able to dream.

There's a war in my head,
And there's been too much blood shed,
Too many hopes dashed, too many friends snatched away,
This war only makes me more afraid,
More empty, more alone.
It's like everytime i fight,
The loser has been me everytime.

There is a war in my head,
And in trying to figure out who I should be,
It seems a lot of me has just died,
Now all that remains is rubble,
But from these ruins of my mind,
I'm going to leave the past behind,
And end this fight,
Will move on, forgive and forget,
Begin from where we first left,
Both me and myself,
Mastering the odds,
To ensure this story has a better end.

     Today, I went to visit my brother's grave at the graveyard. He was an exuberant young man when he died. When a light as bright as that is snuffed out, so suddenly, all you see is darkness. And when you start getting used to life again, you will never look at it the same again. The whole world to you seems different. When you lose someone you love, that too someone so alive, you get acquainted with death. Death, who promises to return again, out of the blue, with or without warning.

      At the grave we constructed a granite memorial, onto which we attached some printed tiles, with our favourite photos of my brother on them. Around the granite memorial, we've planted some flowering plants. We made the memorial last year and already all but one of the photographs, have faded. The granite is as it is, cold, silent, and covered in dust. But the flowering plants are all growing, with buds and flowers growing on them (all thanks to daily attention by the gardener, Sahebrao). Some of the flowers lie fallen nearby, bloomed to full, but now separated from the plant, lying on the ground.

We made the memorial with best intentions and used granite, to ensure it lasts for a long time. The photographs we hoped would last longer than they did. We were promised by the printer that they would. We were stupid to believe him.The granite will last a while but it will always stay that way, cold, silent and collecting dust. The flowers on the other hand, although fragile and requiring constant attention, will grow and continue to give flowers, as time passes by. The flowers, although around for a short time, will give out fragrance so sweet and will bloom in such glory, that they will add cheer to even a dusty graveyard. And when they fall and die, will fertilize the ground around the plant to ensure it lives on.

Doubts are Doors

Doubts and Questions,
About why things are unfair,
Why have things been this way for so long?
What is worth fighting for?
What is worth creating?
Who should I be?

Are Justice and Freedom,
Equality and Charity,
Worthy ideals?
Or should I play blind,
And play along?
Pretend to be stupid,
To buy happiness?

Doubts and Questions,
I'm told, is where the problem starts,
Close your eyes and it will all go away,
I wish it did, but it doesn't,
The only thing it does is it makes us,
Repeat the same mistakes, again and again,
Hoping things will turn out different.
But they won't until we do things a lil' different.

Bring it on Life....

      A year has passed, a new one has begun. Just like the year gone by this year too will have it's fair share of hope and despair. Life will again play unfair, but we must refuse to cheat, compromise or negotiate. We will stay true to the humanity within us, refusing to bow down to convention, instead choosing to be brave, brave enough to resist the temptation to walk down the old paths of hate and destruction. Brave enough to face our mistakes and correct them. Brave enough to forgive and love again. Brave enough to question and doubt and test all our assumptions. New courses we will sail, heading to new destinations, making new friends and bringing along old ones. On a quest for a future, where no matter what life throws at us, we will always be able to find strength in ourselves and each other to stay the course, and sail on home. All hands on deck, to infinity and beyond, one day at a time.

Today is a new day and year,
What lies ahead, Nobody knows,
All of us are high on hope.

But what we know is,
Although we would wish,
For complete happiness,
A better world,
A better tommorrow,
Reality will rudely awaken us,
From our dreams,
In the morning,
It will be the same old story,
Back to the grind.

But no matter
What life throws at us,
We will take it,
And make it work for us,
If reality won't let us dream,
Then we will learn to dream,
While still awake.


Who am I to speak?
Why even bother?
Im just an angry old man,
With a teen spirit.

Locked in an aging  shell,
Tied down by blind tradition
And a fake sense of order,
It wants to break free.

Strip off this phoney,
Veneer of civility,
Free to be true
To the spirit it should be.

Grow up to repeat,
Our parent's mistakes,
Hold on to their gospel of hate,
Survival of the fittest,
That's what they say,
If they were right,
Then why are things so wrong.


God is Love and Has Always Been Within You.

If we read even our holy books, with a feeling of hatred or fear, we misinterpret the meaning of the texts. It leads us to interpret our God as one who hates us, or one who encourages war and destruction. We
mistake systems of order, for systems of control, to be misused for our own selfish needs. We interpret their advice to fight evil as the invitation to fight our fellow men. We see them as validation to carry out our own agendas. All sacred books, have one simple truth. Fight ignorance and better understand your God and His creation. Resist evil and aim for excellence. Both in your thoughts and your deeds. They are both dependent on each other. Our physical and mental (includes spiritual) energies must work together in harmony. 
In your every effort to know God better, God is by your side, helping you, healing you, guiding you and instructing you, from within.

So no matter, which holy book you're reading, read it with a sense of love and compassion for God and all creation, and with a contrite and grateful heart. Then you wll start to see the similarities in all the religions, the sense in all this chaos, the design that lies at the centre of the universe. Suddenly all truths will become one, and all possibilities will be one. And you will be surprised at how simple it all seems, if you only believe. Let no hate arise, even for your enemies. In this dark age, let no darkness be found in you. You must strive to vanquish it from within you. All your hatred, all your grief, all your fear, must be surrendered to God. In return, God offers you wisdom, to see the light in the darkest of places, so you can help it grow, until darkness is vanquished.   

For a better world that every religion promises we will all have to believe and work towards it together. Not by deciding which path is the best path, but by seeing that all paths lead to the same destination.
It is how we walk the paths, and why we are doing it, that is important. Let us all walk home together.

Life's Lessons: Part 2

This incident happened way back in high school, but it's a lesson I forgot along the way. I recently happened to remember it and it is one of the most important lessons for life.
We had a guest lecturer from South Korea, who had come to teach us English. We were asked to write an assignment about a journey wehad been on. I was excited, and so sure of myself, that I wrote a long essay, up to threee pages, of a school excursion we had been on, to the Esselworld amusement park in Mumbai. I wrote about all the rides, about all the fun we had running all over the park and the enormous amount of fun we had there.
After i submitted it, I was sure I would score the highest. When the assignments were returned, I was surprised to find I had scored only about 60%. I quickly asked the teacher, why I didn't deserve more. She said, "Son, the assignment was to write about the JOURNEY. The journey was what's important. But you only talked about the destination. Don't feel bad son. It was well written and you have a lot of promise."
Then she handed me a chocolate and said, " You are smarter than you think. Don't be discouraged. You've got a long way to go."

Our Consciences Need Consciousness

As the year comes to a close, two really disturbing stories, one the School shootout in Connecticut and another the gruesome gangrape of a young girl in New Delhi,have left people with their faith in humanity shaken. Both are reminders of the enormous evil that lies within us.

A worse type of terror (like my cousin, Calvin says on his blog here..I: Disgusted Indian) is closer to home, in fact within our homes, among us and sadly inside us all. The cold and merciless brutality of violence in both situations make us wonder, what the hell is wrong with the planet that we are living in today? These monsters may have surfaced now, but they are a result of our collective past of violence and oppression, against those weaker than us. It is a result of a world built on the foundation of the strong misusing their power to oppress the weak, of using violence against the defenceless, of those on the margins, those without any way of fighting back. Just reading both stories, leaves me numb, and heartbroken. Be it men oppressing women and creating a whole system to justify it, or men carrying out violence in the name of whatever ideology they have allowed to infiltrate and destroy their consciences.

This is in fact a psychological problem. It's like some part of these peoples' brains just stopped functioning and they ceased being human for the time it took for them to carry out such brutality. They turned into demons and lost sight of reality. And this brain damage, has happened gradually over time, aided by society's very design. It is our responsibility to uproot any practices or traditions that encourage this kind of thinking. It is the ugly side of our irrational mind, which is a good slave but a tyrranical master. It can create worlds of beauty or hell itself. That is why we must learn to harness it's power wisely and for the right purpose. For creation not destruction. The core problem of both these situations is that logic lost out to the flood of negative energy that was held bottled up inside. In both cases, the difference between the real and virtual just disappeared. It is this same negative energy, that makes people hurt themselves too. To commit suicides or to commit crimes.

On one hand, we have Adam Lanza, who while playing video games is in control, all powerful. And non stop thoughts of killing, may not turn everyone into a real life killer, but we don't know how strong our minds are and how long our logic can hold. Some people are stronger at restraining their thoughts or urges some are not. That is the reason we have systems in place, to help us develop a clear and rational basis for reasoning. To help us develop a foundation of morals. Of what is right and wrong. We need something to start with. On the other hand though, we have grown men, from the capital of India where godesses are routinely worshipped and women are revered. But in real life, the situation is very different, with cases of rape, eve teasing and molestation a daily phenomenon in some part of the country. I just read an article titled, Why Indian Men Rape.  It talks about how women are treated as second class citizens. As the weaker sex. As objects. Not just by the uneducated, but also by the educated.This leads some men to think they can do as they please to women and get away with it. And the sad truth is that in India, most men do get away with it. There is also the responsibility that we as society have of treating women equally. It is necessary that we stand together against any form of oppression, that is committed by the strong against the weak, by the majority against the minority.
So as far as I can see, we all need a basic education, in love, and not theoretical like we've been taught for so long. It should be experienced. We must feel love, give it and recieve it freely. All religions, schools, workplaces, systems should encourage a culture that encourages people to work on themselves and use these lessons to help make the world a better place. Encourage everyone to put their gifts to use, for the poor, the meek, the sinners, the broken hearted, the lost to feel blessed.
We could kill these criminals, or we could first study them, to better understand, what drove them to commit such crimes. What part of them was it that turned them into such monsters? What turned them to be so numb, that they carried out such violence without a second's thought? Maybe, we could get some answers, to help prevent this sort of thing from happening again.

"We have an epidemic that has spread across the nation and cannot be controlled by law and order alone, but also by it’s people. By each and every one of us.
Bosses be sensitive to women employees and their complaints, take action.
Colleagues stand up for the woman who’s being objectified at work, take action.
Teachers, encourage your students to mingle and mature together, take action.
Mothers and fathers, don’t give special treatment to your sons (or your daughters), take action.
Writers and directors, make your stories relevant to today’s men and women, take action.
Actors, be brave enough to portray characters that speak their own minds and are not necessarily conventional, take action.
Media, don’t let us forget injustices quickly, take action.
Politicians, be quiet and take action.
Men, respect women who are not like your mothers, take action.
Women, don’t let slide even the smallest eveteasing, take action.
Neighbours, don’t ignore a cry for help, take action.
Bystanders, for God’s sake, take action.
People, let’s not live in our bubbles until the injustice affects us directly.
Take action."
                                                                           -Kalki Koechlin

Life's Lessons: Part 1

Sometimes, simple tasks in life can have deeper lessons than the obvious ones. When I was in college, one of our requirements was to complete a practical research project. I as usual, picked an ambitious experiment off the internet, where scientists had successfully produced electricity, enough to light up a tiny bulb, from sewage water, with the help of a chemical mediator. (See: Microbial_fuel_cell). I was extremely fascinated by the idea and how it could end up saving the world, with  an alternative renewable clean energy source.
So i started my project, late as usual. I went in search of the reagent, a chemical called Methyl blue, but I made major mistake. I thought it was called MethylENE Blue. A small difference, but I went to shop and ordered it. After I performed my experiment with the Fuel Cell, I was unable to get the desired results. It is only then that I realized, that it was the wrong mediator that I had used. And it wasn't Methylene Blue, but Methyl Blue. Too late and without any option, I failed in the experiment. My teacher was kind and let me off the hook, but she told me to remember the lessons.

Obvious Lessons:
Lesson One: Do your work in good time. You never know what could go wrong.
Lesson Two: Read instructions carefully. A small mistake can lead to failure.
Lesson Three: Even if you fail, God is willing to forgive, if you remember the lesson.

The Deeper Lesson:
This is a deeper than the obvious lessons, that just struck me recently. Was just wandering around in my mind when I just realized how, The World is like that Microbial fuel cell. we are the E.coli, the living organisms, and we can produce energy even from sewage water, by just doing what we are doing, but using the right chemical reagent/mediator. Then I wondered what could it be? Yes, I am gonna say it again, it's Love. But Love is ambiguous and can be interpreted in an erroneous way by us, leading us to make the same mistake I made. We often choose a lesser love, one that seeks to fulfil our own selfish desires. That seeks quick short term satisfaction, at the cost of loss and pain in the future. We must be careful not to get fooled by the similarity in the name. Love, that's selfless and pure can help us transform even the dirtiest sewage  to produce enough energy to illuminate the world.

Math as Magic

1^7=  1
1^8= 1
1^9= 1
1^10= 1
1^0= 1
1^infinity = 1

Now, if 1=love and it is of the highest order,  then any number of divisions, wouldn't matter, for in the end we would have 1.

Faith and Skepticism Are a Couple.

I believe in science,
And wish it keeps pushing the boundaries,
As we go on looking for answers,
To the questions we don't know much about.

I believe in business,
And I am happy to see it evolving,
To understand that the only real success,
Is when evrybody wins, together.

I believe in God,
And all religions that preach truth,
And vanquish ignorance and darkness,
With the light of knowledge.

I believe in people,
And their innate ability to be kind,
To care for each other,
Even in times of immense threat to themselves.

I believe that truth must triumph,
And everybody has a right to know the truth,
If not at once but gradually,
Everybody deserves to get to heaven.

I believe that victory is ours,
If we fight to understand and appreciate the truth,
We can with open minds and caring hearts,
Walk together through this darkness.

If you must destroy,
Destroy the fear that's inside you,
If you wanna judge,
Make sure you're looking at the whole picture.

If you want solutions,
You gotta look inside,
Because most of us have more in common,
Than we choose to acknowledge.

If you want control,
We must first control ourselves,
If you want a victory,
We must learn to lose gracefully.

If you must create,
Create a world that lasts forever,
It's a  world that is built on love,
And understanding.

As I sit and type out sermon after sermon to myself, I sometimes wonder why do it in public. Why discuss controversial issues in the open? I should be afraid. In fact, if one looks at what happens to people who speak their mind in public, I should be very afraid. I am, in the rational part of me, the part that says, shut up for my own good. But the irrational part wants to express my thoughts, to help better understand myself and the world. And i think that maybe there are others, who might feel the same need to figure out things. Fear, has always been our constant companion, and is felt by everyone. Fear of losing something that they hold so dear. We all love different things, money, power, freedom,etc. But to be really free, we must first be free of fear. Fear is what gives rise to unnecessary violence and acts of hate.
We must learn to trust each other, and ourselves. Trust, is the hardest thing to do. To believe in each other, is to love thy neighbour as thyself. "Trust the Lord your God with all your heart, and love thy neighbour as thyself." These words are the foundation on which the world of the future should be built. Trust is often broken, and I myself am guilty of it on a number of occassions. But when we realise our error, we must give our all to never do so again. To trust means to forgive, to let go of past errors and move owards the future. Only when groups on all sides trust each other will there be peace. Again, it seems like a utopian dream but in fact we do trust each other, just to different degrees. When we all have a common vision we must trust each other to do the best to get there But if one of us fails sometimes, we must forgive each other, learn the lesson the mistake taught us and continue in an unchanged spirit of trust. Failures should not hamper our trust in each other, but they must help us better understand each other. And help us identify areas for growth.
It is not power or money we should be chasing, it should be this freedom, the complete freedom to live and love.(stop thinking only about sex, love is a much wider term). We don't need a revolution, or a revolt.
The main reason, wars and violence has ensued is because people in power behaved like lesser people either out of fear of losing what they have earned, or out of a greed to get more, even at the cost of the destruction of the world. People in groups can be the most destructive or creative force in the world. Let us choose constructive chaos, always. We must work within the limits of power we have been given, or have earned to work for a better future.
People in control are as afraid as people without control. We all know that there is an instinct in us to try and fight to preserve our rights and possessions. Let us, on both sides let each other know, that we are not trying to change anything. It is not easy for the people in power. They have the hard job of trying to please everybody. They are in fact, doing a decent job. They fight fear everyday and take big decisions. They are in power because they are the bravest. They have fought a number of battles themselves and risen to the top. They have made mistakes and learnt hard lessons. They are in fact the wisest. They have been in the system the longest. They have experience. So it would be wrong to try to upstage them, or start a revolt which would lead to unnecessary chaos where both sides are out to get each other. They can help plant the seeds of love and brotherhood instead of strife. But for that they must find inside themselves the courage to love and trust other people, even their enemies. I know that they will not succumb to irrational fears and carry out rash decisions.
The problem is that we have been brought up in a system of competition, so severe that we always strive to win, even at the cost of the loss of the group, which ultimately leads to a loss for us anyway.Violence of any form destroys both sides. But ignorance, leads to fears. And fear like all other emotions is contagious. It spreads like a wildfire and leads to a wave of other negative emotions. We must eradicate all ignorance, and see things for what they are. Truth, will set us free. And the truth is that we are all similar, despite our ideologies. We are all in the same boat. And we are the only one's who can keep it from sinking. We must work in what ever part of the boat we are, and not sleep on our duties. We must communicate with one another to ensure thatany ignorance or ill will is not harboured. We must understand that even if one side wins and another loses, humanity will in the end lose.

The Magic Penny

Let love be our currency,
Let ideas be our goods of trade,
Let us demand a better world,
That businesses can supply.

Let all our transactions,
Be based on mutual respect and affection,
We all deserve the best,
But have we seen what's the best?

Is it money?
And fancy toys?
How long will we remain
Little girls and Boys?

Is it power?
A sense of control?
Or eternal happiness?
Or someone we can hold?

Is it perfection?
Or is it redemption?

We are creating,
A new beginning,
Everyday is a new innings.
Past mistakes are just  lessons we've been learning.

Don't label anyone a failure,
Coz labels and tags are not permanent,
But they have a way of defining our mind,
And slowly dragging ourselves behind.

Out of the darkness inside us,
We will find the light,
And burn it bright,
Light up every corner inside.

The World Is Our Country, Love and Peace is our Motto

"Where the mind is without fear and the head is held high;
Where knowledge is free;
Where the world has not been broken up into fragments by narrow domestic walls;
Where words come out from the depth of truth;
Where tireless striving stretches its arms towards perfection;
Where the clear stream of reason has not lost its way into the dreary desert sand of dead habit;
Where the mind is led forward by thee into ever-widening thought and action --
Into that heaven of freedom, my Father, let my country awake" - Rabindranath Tagore

Heaven is an Earth in Progress.

 Just read this article : Hacktivists strike Westboro Baptist Church over Newtown tragedy


          It's really sad that members of a "church" would go all out hating their own fellow men, and actually misrepresenting God. God's will has been a very convenient excuse for a long time now, and have been used often for personal vendettas or evil gain, and it's about time it stopped. Westboro reminds me of the Taliban, encouraging attacks on innocents, all in the name of God. It makes one question the reason for the existence of religion, especially the type of fundamentalist ideas that all religions still sell. Loved the method ised by the Anonymous group, but i also had a thought that anonymity is a dangerous thing to hide behind, because anyone else could use that same mask to do things you or your group doesn't endorse. It could very easily be a bunch of hackers who misrepresent and misuse Anonymous and it's ideals, leading to bigger trolls in the real world. But, that's just me babbling. Masks are necessary sometimes and we use them for safety, but the time will come when we will have to take off our masks and stand up for what we believe in. And I hope that we all stand together not for violence, but to work for a better world, a world free of opression and inequality. A world built on Love and by Love.

Religion was made for Man and not Man for Religion.

         Religions like civilizations will rise and fall. For they are indeed just ideologies. Of human beings trying to make some sense of all the chaos, that is life. In fact, if you ask me which is the religion that is most widely practiced, I would say it is Consumerism. It is in fact, a church that has the largest temples in the world. ( I hate malls. Malls suck). And it is rapidly growing. Now you might think that I am being stupid and that business is an honest way to make a living, and it is a necessary step forward in our evolution. I won't argue with you, because your brain will eventually tell you it's not true (if you let it).The only evolution we've seen is that of corporations, religious and political systems,  turning into giant dinosaurs out to feed on any resources they can find, all for the sake of "profit", which disappears faster than it comes. These dinosaurs are headed towards self destruction and i'm afraid they will take us all with them. You know the world's messed up when religions start acting like corporations, functioning only for profit and numbers and corporations start acting like religions, hiding crucial information from stakeholders, misrepresenting information, building cults based on twisted and harmful truths, again for selfish short term profit. These are the unholy offspring of the corruption that has entered our idealised system. The malaise of self gratification, without regard for our fellow humans, animal and plant life, with whom we share this earth. These monsters that we have created, have to be tamed by us. And i am positive that some of the 'people' left at the top have some heart to make wiser decisions.

         But, it is a fact that we humans cannot live without being in groups. We have an innate need to belong. We all need a community, friends, a social support system. When it is not in place, we don't grow as humans. We literally die, slowly, alone and minute by minute. Some might say, "Hey I'm doin okay. I never had any problems being alone". Yeah, I used to think it too and I often denied that fact, but as a number of us have or will find out, life's always more fun with your crew. To help us better live out our lives on this planet, and to grow with  the planet and together as humans, we need each other, period.

         Now to be a part of the group you have to at some level, share some common ideologies or cause. I know, I wish i could say that's not true and that we can all get along despite our differences (which is what I am getting at), but another blessing in disguise is our ability to agree and disagree. To argue and debate. To reason. It can be a blessing when the underlying ideology is hate or selfish short term gain, but it can mean true victory and progress for everyone when the underlying ideology is love, unselfish and universal. Now you might say that universal unselfish love is a fairy tale and that it is impossible to survive on earth with that kind of impractical thinking. I challenge you to think otherwise. It may seem like insanity to our rational mind, which sees the limitations, the problems, the hurdles. Our rational mind is a skeptic and a critic.Our safety valve. It may seem like an unnecessary restraint, keeping us back from getting the things that will make us happy, but we are really thankful it is there when it keeps us  from repeating old mistakes or going completely overboard and killing ourselves. It is the practical part of our brain which gets things done.... But it can be unimaginative at times and so God also inspired the irrational inside all of us, the imaginative, creative, free spirited being. Kind of like yin and yang or like partners who both back each other up, based on their individual strengths in the face of different situations. Men and Women were designed in such a way so that we took care of each other and all life on our planet. We need to belong. When we say we are antisocial, we are unwittingly joining another group. We have to choose an ideology to live. And i say there is nothing wrong with joining a group, a community, a 'herd' as some say. It is inevitable. Now the most difficult revolution that we have to fight is the one against ourselves.

          The truth is simple. We cannot and should not do away with churches, corporations or political sytems. They are in fact our own creations. We being made in God's image have gone ahead with the urge to play creator and have made these institutions, in our own image, with our finite understanding. Like children in a kindergarten, learning to write or draw or play music, we are still making mistakes and creating a lot of noise and chaos. We are bullying each other and trying to fight against each other, fighting over toys and over whose creation is better. It's all good but as we are growing up, we have started to see that when we work together and play together is when we have most fun. It's when we can decorate our classroom better and perfect our own works of art and grow as human beings.
       Our systems of control and groups are all like tables we sit at in this classroom called the world, for creating some order and for helping us find some sense of community and belonging. They are like an outline in which we can play or colour in. Use any colours you like, but a complete picture comes only when you colour within the lines. As we grow older we start to learn to share our resources, listen to others opinions and work as one.
                     Controlled entropy must be encouraged. Not chaos in terms of violence or as a show of strength but chaos in terms of ideas and opinions. In terms of crazy innovations. In terms of shameless copying and sharing of good ideas and models. Chaos in terms of increasing love, kindness, creativity and humanity in a system missing all of these. Chaos in terms of giving a soul to this puppet of a world we have created. Learning from old mistakes, making new ones and learning from them.We should also be open to the idea of doing the same things but differently this time. We all love our creations but we must make sure they do not run out of control and they can be developed, slowly and surely into perfect creatures like the magical creations we see around us. Some plans may even have to be erased and redrawn, but we must remember that we only have the right to destroy our own creations, i.e. inanimate objects. We have no right to destroy life we did not create or still understand very little about. 
                 We have fundamentalists on all sides and it can be hard to have an open mind. But complete evolution is only possible with a balanced use of our rational and irrational faculties. All our technological advances and achievements will turn to naught if our emotional side does not develop alongside it. Let us all agree that we will first and foremost respect life on earthand it's right to exist alongside us, and that we will build our future, on the foundation of universal love and brotherhood. We will avoid violence, but instead using the means of love, peace and healthy debate and dialogue.
We need both the left and the right, to work in harmony, to be able to dance into the future.

 "A good and just society is one which reconciles the TRUTHS of individualism and collectivism"- Martin Luther King Jr.

                                                              Universal Love

1 Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I have become sounding brass or a clanging cymbal.

2 And though I have the gift of prophecy, and understand all mysteries and all knowledge, and though I have all faith, so that I could remove mountains, but have not love, I am nothing.

3 And though I bestow all my goods to feed the poor, and though I give my body to be burned, but have not love, it profits me nothing.

4 Love suffers long and is kind; love does not envy; love does not parade itself, is not puffed up;

5 does not behave rudely, does not seek its own, is not provoked, thinks no evil;

6 does not rejoice in iniquity, but rejoices in the truth;

7 bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.

8 Love never fails. But whether there are prophecies, they will fail; whether there are tongues, they will cease; whether there is knowledge, it will vanish away.

9 For we know in part and we prophesy in part.

10 But when that which is perfect has come, then that which is in part will be done away.

11 When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child; but when I became a man, I put away childish things.

12 For now we see in a mirror, dimly, but then face to face. Now we know in part, but then we shall know just as we also are known.

13 And now abide faith, hope, love, these three; but the greatest of these is love.

This war,
Is as old as time,
This war,
It goes on in our minds.

This war,
Isn't about yours or mine,
This war,
Will wage on inside.

This war,
Will decide the winner,
This war,
Will decide Forever.

History bears testimony to the fact that whenever we humans became corrupt, greedy and selfish, with no regards to the rights of others, to the least of our kind or to the simplest forms of life, we were creating monsters that would in time devour our whole world, future and everything we loved with it.
We think our crimes can be hidden, but the truth is they will haunt us till we die. And if we have found a twisted way to silence our consciences, and die happily covered in our filth, we would have still left behind, a disease that will keep spreading much after we are gone. It will infect the world, that we leave behind for our offspring. As we do to others, so it immediately happens to us. Karma is instant, and the moment we commit a crime, our brain suffers damage, whether we know it or not.
Every violent word or act against another, every swindle, every lie, is a lie to our own selves, a con on our own selves, and a violation of our own souls. And it is something we all know and have learnt the hard way. The scars remain, both on our victims and in ourselves. Yet, God in all mercy, made it possible for us to get better. Every kind word or act for another, every truth, every honest appeal is the beginning of our healing process. The miracle of life is that we heal with time, when we forgive and allow ourselves to be forgiven.  There is no greater blessing than to give or recieve forgiveness, for when we do it two souls are healed. That is true Salvation. That is true Freedom. That is Transformation.

No One

I am the hypocrite,
I am Judas himself,
And most days,
I betray myself.

I am the warrior,
I am Arjuna,
And David,
But most days,
I'm all by myself.

I am the chaos,
I am the world,
And most days,
I don't get myself.


There was a time when,
I used to complain,
About the state of the world,
About people on the pavements
And dead dogs in the street.

There was a time when,
It all scared me,
The insanity in the world,
The disease it reeks with,
And it's ugly scarred face.

Not anymore,
No, I don't,
Coz it's all just bits of me,
Take all the ugly in the world,
And then add a lil more,
And there u have it, ME.

There was a time,
I used to appreciate,
The magic in the mundane,
The splendour of sunsets,
And the romance in the rains.

There was a time when,
It all amazed me,
The many little miracles,
The many little presents,
And the infinite reasons to smile.

Not anymore,
No, I don't,
Coz it's all just bits of me,
Take all the beauty in the world,
And then add a lil more,
And there u have it, ME.

The world is too uptight,
There are too many invisible lines,
That enslave and divide,
The very fragments of our minds.

We need to see through walls,
Through labels and definitions,
Know that what we know,
Is always open to question.

We need to see the arts in science,
And the science in the arts,
The reason in our doctrines,
And the doctrines in our reason.

We can worry about picking sides,
Or work on crossing divides,
We can cut down a fruitless tree,
Or be thankful for its shade.

If Tomorrow I Don't Wake Up.

If tomorrow I don't wake up,
Then I have reached my destination.
If tomorrow I don't wake up,
Then I have experienced something new.

If tomorrow I don't wake up,
You already know what to do,
Shed a few tears if you want,
Then stand up and move on.

If tomorrow I don't wake up,
The earth will be free of my weight,
I would have made some space,
For someone better to take my place.

If tomorrow I don't wake up,
Know that I slept with a prayer on my lips,
And I dreamt of a land of bliss,
Know that you were all in it.

If tomorrow I don't wake up,
My only regret will be
That I couldn't give you more,
For I received more than I could pay back for.

If tomorrow I don't wake up,
Then I have set out with boat and oar,
And though my sins could drown me,
My Father will bring me back to shore.

If tomorrow I don't wake up,
Then I would have stopped dreaming,
But the dream is never dead,
It is soon reborn in another head.
I propose a solution,
It's nothing new,
But it's something we forgot
And urgently need to do.

It's simple,
Just realign our view.
Instead of shouting anarchy,
And turning into mindless zombies
That the paranoid will shoot.

Let us break this cycle of violence,
And put our energies to better use.
Put on our thinking caps,
Workman's gloves, and rainy shoes.

When our home's messed up,
We don't blow it up.
When old friends fight,
We calm down and figure out what's right.
Not who's right.

No vendetta, only love
No grudges, only hope,
I believe that even mountains move,
when water flows down its slope.

So, the old folks made mistakes,
They left the world in a sorry state,
But let's use the lessons,
They learnt along the way.

Can't we be a little more original?
And figure out a better way?
No Uncle Sam don't pass me the joint,
I'd prefer homegrown anyday.

Let's rise up to the challenge,
Of refusing the ideology of hate
And understand that in the end
We are all connected by fate.

You know we have the tools
For a large scale revolution
But I say skip the revolution
It's been done.
Let's work out a revolutionary solution.

There's so much wrong with this world,
Who knows it better than you,
But that doesn't mean you give up trying,
The Earth hasn't given up on you.
They say art imitates reality,
I say reality imitates art.
For artists are the dreamers,
the visionaries.
They are able to see beyond the mundane.
They see a world that is beautiful, pure and perfect.
A world like that is possible,
If everyone was an articulturist.
The way things are going
I don't know if i will make it
Looks like the end is near.

I am hanging by a wire
Trying, but can't hold on much longer

All my past attempts
All my bargains and pleas
Have fallen on deaf ears

Now it seems its a bit too late for me.
She wears a mask
Just for the fun of it
She likes playing games you see.
She lies all the time,
Just to see what would happen if,
What's fake is sold as the real.
She pretends
Wears a fake smile,
So people think she's alright.

Say Something

This is a song I came across while listening to random radio stations online. I really liked the lyrics and so I thought I'd post them here. This is Say Something by James from his album Laid.

You're as tight as a hunter's trap
Hidden well, what are you concealing
Poker face, carved in stone
Amongst friends, but all alone
Why do you hide

Say something, say something, anything
I've shown you everything
Give me a sign
Say something, say something, anything
Your silence is deafening
Pay me in kind

Take a drug to set you free
Strange fruit from a forbidden tree
You've got to come down soon
More than a drug is what I need
Need a change of scenery
Need a new life

Say something, say something anything
I've shown you everything
Give me a sign
Say something, say something, anything
Your silence is deafening
Pay me in kind

Say something

I'm open wide, open wondering
Have you swallowed everything
Pay me in kind
Operating so smoothly,
U have me following wherever you lead,
Do you even know what you are doing,
When U make me crawl and beg and bleed?

You think its cute,
That I helplessly, hopelessly,
Keep on waiting,slowly breaking,
So easily caught up in every game u play.
Do you chuckle in delight,
When u see me stumbling around in the dark,
Or does it give u a sick pleasure,
When u see me writhing around in pain,

U must have a cold, cold heart,
To keep me burning in this fire!
u gotta be made of stone,
Coz u pretend u dont know me anymore.


When in disgrace with Fortune and men's eyes,
I all alone beweep my outcast state,
And trouble deaf heaven with my bootless cries,
And look upon myself and curse my fate,
Wishing me like to one more rich in hope,
Featured like him, like him with friends possess'd,
Desiring this man's art, and that man's scope,
With what I most enjoy contented least.
Yet in these thoughts myself almost despising,
Haply I think on thee, and then my state,
Like to the lark at break of day arising
From sullen earth, sings hymns at heaven's gate;
For thy sweet love remembered such wealth brings
That then I scorn to change my state with kings.

–William Shakespeare

Building castles,

In the air,

Scaling mountains,

With your mind,

Getting high,

On nature,

Taking pictures,

With your eyes.

Riding swift,

On trusty steed,

Chasing down the winds,

Just a subtle turn of your wrist .

Pushing past the limits,

A revolution on wheels,

Looking for new thrills,

A revival of mind, heart and soul.

Indeed these are splendid days,

Life is on a roll and we got nowhere to go,
Only down long endless roads,
Vines that have grown at a feverish pace,
Everywhere they'll take u but home.

Yesterday, today or tomorrow,
Only a straight line.
U gotta keep on riding through this endless.... night.

Welcome to the other end,
You now have no need of your senses,
No need for thoughts,
The only dream is the one you'll be living in.

Take a walk down these corridors,
Exploring every corner,
Nobody's been here before,
Atleast that's the lie they believe in.

Everything goes up in smoke,
They are all going down.
The only way out is to get in,
Before the spiral begins
And then it would be too late.

Holes in the fabric of thought

That we wove around us

We began to believe in stories

In fables and in foolish dreams

We have been chasing worthless things

Looking in the wrong places.

Where I am ?

These days it's hard to say

What I am.

Sometimes I don't know about

What I am thinking.

Nowadays i find it hard to tell

What i have become.

These days i really don't know

Where I am.

Question ur intent
why do u pretend to feel
Something that never was real.
Ask yourself what u are doing
with all the time u have
When u know that once it's gone, it's gone.

Memories will linger
They might pass by in ur mind
Like a sunset thru ur train window
But they will nevr let u go
When all u need to know is that u did the right thing.

Friendships are forever
Love is a carving on the heart
It's as hard as stone,but it's not cold
As long as the sun shines and keeps it warm.

The moon and stars dont hold the future
But they will remind u of the past
When time stopped so u could live
A moment of magic,now only a dream.

Tried moving slow,
Tried letting go
And learnt its not too easy.

When ur spinning
Way out of control
U feel the world going round
but ur eyes are closed.

Try dreaming
Try feeling ur soul
U will learn its not so cold.

When ur spinning
Way out of control
U learn to be urself
But ur still alone.

Wait for me
So I can pause to breathe
To feel the world under my feet.
As the day goes by
I think i have to try
I think Im only passing by
I dont know why I try to wait.

Trysts with destiny
Never seem to matter
When ur everything is nothing at all
U only learn to speak
When ur in the heat of things
And ur sslowly being divided into a 104

Stop this confusion
Its not me u should listen to
Its should be you who works things out
Test my sense of reason
I dont know if I have any thing left
Coz its so easy to disappear but hard to return.

Evening comes slowly

Hard to see
I think Im blind
Or maybe its all the lights
Tht seem to make me feel so weird.

Glass cases
Vanity on display
As the people pass by
Its getting harder to believe we r still alive

Dust is coming
We are all becoming
What we were made of
Slowly returning to where we truly belong.
Evening comes slowly,
Guess its almost here.

Its still here

Quietly waiting
In a corner of ur mind
Its that thought again its that thought!
U tried to change the way u think
But there it is again.

Dreams all have the same meaning
Just the same everyday
It might not mean anything
But it still stays the same.

Fire could rain down from heaven
The earth cleansed,purified,
But still the thought remains
Quietly in a corner of ur mind.


Hardest things to say
Find it hard to relate
Escalate and find a better place
Bleeding through ur hands
U can wait until u wake up
Or sleep until ur dead.
I got no valid reason
for finding self completion
or a better life ahead.
Ur ok if u can wait or fake a little bit
Lose weight and smile a lil bit.
Its easy u will see
Everybody does it.

She makes me smile.....inside

Dreaming ..
Im still dreaming...
Its u Im seeing

im still waiting..
U r the one i will wait for
throughout all time.

I am still searching..
Its ur smile i wanna find
all the time.

My hearts still beating..
I know our hearts beat together
at the same time.

I am still breathing..
I breathe for u but now
Im running out of time.

Back to space

Glowing sun and the earth below,
Skies are clear and we are ready to lift off.
Seven angels circle the gates of heaven,
Looking out in eager anticipation.

The earth is hollow,
Theres somebody living in the hole,
I am ur friend not ur enemy.
The world is slowly losing control over
the human population.

Gaia is ready to take revenge?
Who are we kidding everybody is dreaming and hallucinating.
Its just a dream its justa nightmare.

Its time to go.
Everybody seems to be
Filled with so much melancholy.
It makes me feel like crying,
The music really doesnt help much.

Strange things happen to those who worry
To those who do drugs,
and those who fall in love.
Stopping the sad thoughts from flowing.
Letting them out with the air I gotta let out.
So here comes the end when it was supposed to begin.
It ends with a sad song!


Theres a new song for u
i know its funny but its dark.
Its perfect for rcreation
and also for hypnotizing unsuspecting listeners.

Its good fun if u could sing along.
Then u would see its real easy.
Its hard to lose urself when ur so worried about everything in the world.
Listen to the music and ask the questions later.
Believe that everything will work out.
Even if ur eyes are closed.
The only thing stopping u now is ur stupid mind.
Work towards a greater dream.
The one u see every damn night when ur awake.
The ones u get when ur sleeping are just fake clips from past lives.

This life is different u gotta get a headstart.
Ur wasting time on things u arent sure about.
Is it this way or that?
U have always been bad at choosing.
U gotta exercise.
You are right.
Exercise ur right.
Dont give up so soon.
Its not good.Let it go on and on!!
Speed up I cant wait for you.Do u hear?
Theres a new song for u
i know its funny but its dark.
Its perfect for rcreation
and also for hypnotizing unsuspecting listeners.

Its good fun if u could sing along.
Then u would see its real easy.
Its hard to lose urself when ur so worried about everything in the world.
Listen to the music and ask the questions later.
Believe that everything will work out.
Even if ureyes are closed.
The only thing stopping u now is ur stupid mind.
Work towards a greater dream.
The one u see every damn night when ur awake.
The ones u get when ur sleeping are just fake clips from past lives.

This life is different u gotta get a headstart.
Ur wasting time on things u arent sure about.
Is it this way or that?
U have always been bad at choosing.
U gotta exercise.
You are right.
Exercise ur right.
Dont give up so soon.
Its not good.Let it go on and on!!
Speed up I cant wait for you.Do u hear?